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Humanities research support

Need assistance with identifying resources for humanities research?

Access to primary sources or archival material

Duke researchers have access to a plethora of curated collections, archives, digital materials, and more through the 12 Duke University Libraries. Additionally, equipment rentals (such as voice recorders, video cameras, and GoPros) are available through the Link at Perkins Library.

Not sure where to start? Ask a librarian!


Funding for humanities research projects

Larger federal sponsors for humanities research include the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the Fulbright Scholars Program.  In addition, a wide range of foundations, professional associations, commercial partners, and internal opportunities are also available to support humanities and interdisciplinary research projects. Among these are the Mellon Foundation, Guggenheim Foundation, and the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

The Office of Foundation Relations can help with connecting humanities researchers with appropriate foundations. 

Access the Explore, understand, and find funding page for self-service tools to search for project funding, as well as contact information for research development professionals available to assist in searching for applicable funding opportunities.

Additional support services and resources

Outside of the libraries and research development offices, additional resources are available that may be of benefit to humanities researchers, including those engaged in interdisciplinary research: