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Institutionally limited nominations

Institutionally limited funding opportunities differ from other funding opportunities, in that Duke University is invited to submit a limited number of proposals in response to each solicitation. Therefore, anyone interested in submitting a proposal to one of these programs must first submit an application for internal review and nomination by the appointed review committee.

Check out the opportunities here.

Once there, the opportunities can be sorted by deadline, funding agency or award amount.  By selecting criteria on the left hand side of the page, the results can be narrowed.

Select an opportunity to see further details regarding what materials will need to be submitted as part of the internal application. Directions for submission, important notes about eligibility, and links to the sponsor's site are also included in each opportunity's description. 

Typically you will be asked for:

  • A letter of support from dean/chair - 1 to 1.5 pages
  • Project summary - 2 to 4 pages
  • CV or Biosketch

Please check the listing on Duke's Research Funding Database site to confirm what is required. The requested documents should be compiled into one PDF file to be uploaded. If you find an opportunity you are interested in, but the internal deadline has recently passed, please contact researchfunding@duke.edu to find out if the opportunity is still open.

When you are ready to submit your materials: 

Applicants wishing to submit an internal application for an institutionally limited funding opportunity will need to submit materials through My Research Proposal

Instructions for setting up your account and uploading internal applications can be found here. If you already have an account with Foundant's My Research Proposal site, please log in and select ILN when you are choosing the processes you wish to view. 

Materials should be submitted before 11:00 PM on the day that they are due.  Please note that after 4:00 PM there is no one to help you if you have trouble uploading your document.  No late submissions will be accepted.

The Review Process:  

Once the internal deadline has passed, a committee of faculty members is convened to review the submissions and decide which application will move to nominee status. Reviewers are encouraged to provide feedback for the applications they review, not all will comment on every submission.  Some may be reluctant due to their own time constraints, while others may be hindered by a large pool of applications and a short turn-around time for reviews. When reviews are complete, applicants are notified of the results of their submissions.

Moving Forward:  

The nominee(s) will work with a representative from either ORA or ORS as well as their departmental grant manager to complete the application process.