MRH Portfolio and Effort Summary Views

Date last modified: 8/30/24

If you are currently logged into SPS or MRH, you may need to open a new browser window to see the effort tools for the first time.

Accessing the MRH Effort Summary View

Open the myResearchers widget in myRESEARCHhome and search for an investigator by first or last name. This will launch the Portfolio View for that researcher, displaying their active awards, proposals, I2S submissions, effort, and disclosed outside activities.

NOTE: Investigators can access an identical view of their own information and access their effort summary view in the Projects tab of the Portfolio Widget.

Click the blue View Effort Summary button to launch the Effort Summary View page.

There are 2 versions of the effort summary view – a version for personnel with Calendar appointments, and a version for personnel with Academic appointments. Clicking “View Effort Summary” will automatically launch the correct version.

Screenshot of circled "view effort summary" button

Accessing the MRH Effort Summary View from SPS

In the Effort Management Tools - SPS Project View Guide Part 1, under section I. Accessing the Effort Management Tool in SPS, follow steps 1 through 7 to display the SPS project view for a particular award.

Click on the ‘Personnel’ tab.

A new screen will appear, listing personnel on the project. The Senior/Key Personnel should appear at the top with non-Senior/Key and Inactive personnel listed in separate sections further down the page.

In the image below, we see the PI listed as Key Personnel on the project. Click on the individual’s name to open their project person details page.

To the right of the person’s name in the project person details page are two links to different person-based views in MRH. 

  1. The ‘MRH Portfolio’ link will open the MRH portfolio view displaying their awards, proposals, and outside activities.
  2. The ‘MRH Effort Summary’ link will open the Effort Summary View for that person, displaying all their effort and commitments across projects.

This is a quick way to navigate to specific MRH pages from SPS that are normally accessed through the myResearchers widget.