SPS All Personnel Report User Guide
Date last modified: 10/21/24
For most projects, Grant Managers send the Sponsor yearly progress reports (known to the NIH as Research Performance Progress Report [RPPR]). One component of these annual progress reports is the All Personnel Report (APR), which lists every person who has contributed effort to the project in the current budget period. RPPRs are due before a budget period ends, but Grant Managers must specify the average effort for the entire funding period. Therefore, future months’ effort is calculated on the assumption that the personnel will remain at their current effort allocation for the remainder of the budget period.
The APR is available to all users who access SPS Projects. Please note, the All Personnel Report can only be run for the current budget period. Additionally, the APR does not include summer effort data nor effort data prior to July 2022. Furthermore, the APR can only be run on the current budget period. If the current budget period is the last budget period in the project, the APR will be accessible for 180 days after the project ends.
All Personnel Report Data
You may come across projects where there are people listed on the All Personnel Report that are not on the SPS project personnel list. This is because the APR includes any person who has contributed effort to the WBSE associated with the project, even if they are not listed on the SPS record.
For example, there are two people listed on the project in SPS for this project.
When the All Personnel Report is run for this project, there are nine people listed.
This means the additional seven people are not listed on the SPS records associated with this project, yet they are charging effort to the WBSE associated with the project.
Additionally, the APR will include personnel who left (or joined) the project during the current budget period. The All Personnel Report includes all personnel who have contributed effort to the project during the current budget period, whether they are currently listed on the project or not.
Personnel with an Academic Appointment
Personnel with an academic appointment will have two rows in the All Personnel Report – one for academic effort, and one for summer effort, such as in the example below. Information will not be repeated in the summer row in the user interface, but it will be repeated in the CSV export to assist with sorting and filtering.
In the example above, the person has an academic appointment, and a total commitment of 0.75 (0 academic, 0.75 summer).
All month columns in the Summer row for people with an Academic appointment will be blank except May, June, July, and August, because these are the only months in which a person can contribute summer effort to a project.
Column Definitions
- Effort Type: The type of effort displayed in the month columns (either Academic, Summer, or Calendar). People with academic appointments will always have an academic and a summer row, even if they are not contributing any summer effort to the project. Their summer month values would be 0 in this case.
- DUID: The person’s Duke unique ID. Please note that leading zeros are not retained in the export.
- Job Title: The person’s job title in HR systems and the Duke Directory.
- (Duke Role) Project Role: The Duke Role and Project Role that was selected in SPS. If no Duke Role nor Project Role was selected, the field will be blank.
- ERA Commons ID: The person’s ERA Commons ID as entered in their SPS person record. If their ERA Commons ID was not entered in SPS, the field will be blank.
- Senior KP: Displays whether the person is Senior/Key Personnel or not. If they are Senior/Key Personnel, “Y” will be displayed. If they are not Senior/Key, “N” will be displayed.
- Approval Level: The level of approval required for a commitment change. If they are not Senior/Key, this will be blank.
- Appointment Type: The person’s appointment type.
- Appointment Months (Current): The person’s total available appointment months based on their appointment type and appointment percentage. For example, if someone had a 90% 12-Month Calendar appointment, their current appointment months would be 10.8.
- Commitment Start Date: The effective start date of the current commitment. If the person does not have a commitment on this project, the field is blank.
- Projected Effort: The total amount of effort that the person will contribute to this project during the current budget period if the person remains at their current effort allocation.
- Effort to Date (BP Start to MM/YYY): The total amount of effort that the person has contributed to the project since the start of the current budget period.
- Current Effort Allocation: The base salary cost distribution for this project according to a person’s iForms.
- The remaining columns list the level of effort contributed (or that the person is projected to contribute) per month. If the month is in the future, “(Future)” will display, and the current effort allocation is factored into the projection. If the commitment starts after the 1st or the month or ends before the end of the month, the month is considered a partial month and will display “(Partial)”. For example:
Commitment Dates
04/2024 (Future)
05/2024 (Future)
06/2024 (Future) (Partial)
07/15/2023 – 06/15/2024
06/2024 is a partial month because the commitment ends on June 15th. The effort value is 0.25 because, while the person is projected to contribute 0.5 person months of effort, it will only be for half a month (due to the commitment ending on the 15th).