
Truveta aggregates electronic health record data from 30+ health systems and makes a de-identified version available to users for research and analytics. The Truveta dataset includes full patient medical records linked across health systems (including clinical notes, images, and genomics), augmented with social determinants of health, mortality, pharmacy (dispensing), and open claims data. Structured data domains within the Truveta system include demographics, diagnoses, procedures, medications, laboratory results, immunizations, genomic markers, device information and care setting. Unstructured data domains include notes, imaging reports, flowsheets and pathology reports. SDOH, claims and mortality data are linked from LexisNexis, while pharmacy data is sourced from Surescripts.  Truveta receives a daily data feed from contributing health systems, where the data are cleaned and normalized before being de-identified. The dataset represents more than 100M patients, with patient and encounter level data from 20,000+ hospitals and clinics, covering 50 states.

Truveta access

Use of Truveta data incurs fees based on the amount of data needed, computational usage for analysis, and storage amount needed for analytic data sets. Access by Duke researchers to Truveta data is determined by funding mechanism; i.e. Internal or External funding: 

Researchers requesting access to Truveta planning to utilize INTERNAL Funding (ex.  Discretionary or Departmental funds)

Access to Truveta data by researchers planning to use INTERNAL funding is managed by the Department of Population Health DataShare.  To request access to Truveta complete this REDCap intake survey.  Only one survey is needed per project. Team members who are authorized to work on a project in Truveta Studio will need to log in here using their Duke credentials (in the format) before account provisioning can occur.  Truveta fees will be invoiced monthly on a per project basis.  A $19/month additional administrative fee is charged to cover invoice processing for each project.

The following resources are available for researchers with additional questions about Truveta data: 

  • Truveta monthly training sessions 
  • Truveta monthly office hours 
  • A Duke Box folder containing slides/recordings from the March onboarding training, as well as a MS Team for Duke Truveta users to share questions, tidbits, etc.

Requests to receive invitations to the monthly training sessions, monthly office hours, and/or the Duke Box folder and MS Duke Truveta users team should email

Researchers requesting access to Truveta planning to utilize EXTERNAL funding (i.e. Sponsor or Grant funds):

Access to Truveta by researchers planning to use EXTERNAL funding should contact Truveta directly ( for information on budgeting and potential costs associated with data access/analysis/storage.