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Assistance with research agreements

If the research agreement is for a Duke researcher to enroll subjects in a clinical trial at Duke, contact:

Mitchell E. Yelverton, J.D. (Director)
Tel:  919-684-9495
Fax:  919-684-4595
Email: mitchell.yelverton@duke.edu

If the research agreement is for: basic science, pre-clinical research, retrospective data or sample analysis, biomarkers research that is not part of a clinical trial at Duke, or is proposed to be under a Research Analysis Quotation and Agreement (RAQA), contact:

Curtis Bradney, Ph.D. (Director)
Tel:  919-668-3127
Fax:  919-684-4595
Email: curtis.bradney@duke.edu

If the research agreement is for clinical research that is either prospective or interventional, but is not Duke enrolling subjects in a clinical trial, including DCRI coordinating center efforts, contact:

Susan Hayden, J.D. (Director) 
Tel:  919-684-0048
Fax:  919-684-4595
Email: susan.hayden@duke.edu