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Navigate contracts and agreements

Need assistance with contracts or agreements?

Research grants or contracts are between the sponsor and Duke University, not the sponsor and an individual, and the terms and conditions of an award must comply with Duke policy. This means that central offices should always be involved in reviewing award terms and conditions and negotiating contracts. Research collaborations in which data, materials, or ideas will be shared may also require formal agreements to be in place before exchanges may begin.

Campus Schools/Provost Area contracts and agreements

Personnel from Campus Schools or the Provost Area should contact orsadminactionreq@duke.edu for assistance with any contracts or agreements that may need to be in place. The Office of Research Support should be involved in the execution of all research-related contracts and agreements.

School of Medicine/School of Nursing contracts and agreements

Personnel from the School of Medicine and School of Nursing can utilize the tool below to understand the types of contracts or agreements that may need to be in place, and who should be involved in the execution of such agreements.