Intent to Submit (I2S) Quick Reference Guide - Submitting the I2S Form
This quick reference guide is designed to show you how to start the Intent to Submit process, accessed from myRESEARCHhome. The purpose of the process is to activate the help you need for a successful submission. You can choose to view the brief video for an overview of the process, or follow information in the accordions below.
Training Video
Submitting the form
When must I submit the form?
This process must be initiated for new sponsored research at least 15 days before you intend to submit to an external sponsor. Your department may require that this form be completed sooner.
How do I access the form?
Log in to and navigate to “Submit a Request” in the top right hand corner of the dashboard. Select “Intent to Submit,” the first option in the dropdown menu.
What information do I need to provide in the form?
The I2S form will auto-populate some information it knows about you or the PI from the directory. The form includes basic information about the proposal and the activities of the research. You can review a PDF of items.
What happens after I submit the form?
Once you have submitted the form, you will be taken to an Intent to Submit details page where you will see confirmation of a successful submission, any additional required steps, plus recommended resource links. Research units that require a Proposal Intake Form will display this as a required Step 2.
In addition to these views in myRESEARCHhome, an email notification of the submission will be sent to the PI, the submitter (if different from the PI), the appropriate department, the correct pre-award office, and the myRESEARCHnavigators team.
Who gets my form and why?
Once you complete the I2S form, a notification is sent to the following:
- The PI (and submitter), as confirmation
- The department’s central inbox so that the correct grants administrator will be aware of the PI’s intent to submit
- The pre-award office (ORA or ORS) so they are aware of upcoming planned submissions
- The myRESEARCHnavigators team, who will review the submission and recommend resources or helpful connections.
How can I review what I have submitted?
In the Projects tab of the myPortfolio widget, the PI or the submitter can see completed I2S submissions by navigating to the ‘Intent to Submit’ section.
Click on the hyperlinked project title in the card to open the details page where a view only version of your original submission is displayed. Your administrator can also see this form in their myPortfolio widget, by clicking on their I2S tab.
For additional help with the Intent to Submit process, visit the listing of Quick Reference Guides.