SPS Project View Guide
Date last modified: 8/30/24
If you are currently logged into SPS or MRH, you may need to open a new browser window to see the effort tools for the first time.
Accessing the Effort Management Tool in SPS
Login to SPS via MRH: https://radapps.duke.edu/sps
Click on the ‘Proposals’ link on the page. (Note that users can also access the tool by clicking ‘Awards’).
Use the search functionality to access proposals or awards. Some examples to search by include SPS Proposal # (Prop#), Person, or WBS Element. Feel free to utilize multiple search criteria to limit results.
Once the results display, use the ‘Status’ column to identify those proposals that are in the ‘AWARD’ status, as these have been awarded. The effort tools are useful for those projects in the ‘AWARD’ status. Proposals with other statuses will not incorporate the effort tools.
Also check to see that the project dates are recent.
In the far-left column, click on the ‘Go to’ button to display the drop-down menu. Select one of the options listed in the drop-down menu (e.g. ‘Personnel’). The effort tool is available on all tabs, both in Proposals and Awards, so long as the SPS record status is ‘AWARD’.
A new page will open.
At the top, click the ‘Open in Projects’ button.
A new SPS window will open up, similar to that which is pictured below:
In the middle of the page, there are the ‘Summary’ and ‘Personnel’ tabs. The system should default to the ‘Summary’ tab, as shown above, as indicated by the gray, bolded text and bolded underline.