Welcome to Your Award!

Congratulations on your new award! This page will help guide you through key requirements and resources based on your award sponsor and project inclusions.

Initial steps to take: 

1. Access your award information in myRESEARCHhome

Your award information is provided in myRESEARCHhome. The following are key first steps upon receiving your award:

  • Read the full Notice of Award (NOA), paying particular attention to the terms and conditions. 
  • Complete your award attestation, if you have not already.
    • You may also have co-investigators that need to attest. Award funds will not be released for spending until all investigators have completed attestations. 
  • Complete any requirements displayed in the "Compliance" dashboard, including the Stewardship and Compliance for Research Investigators training series. 

Additional guidance on award set-up activities can be found on the Receive the award and start up the project page.

2. Meet with your grants administrator

Meet with your grants administrator to discuss any questions you have from the Notice of Award and how the project will be set up and managed. Topics of discussion should include: 

  • Questions or concerns you have about the terms of the award, allowable spending, etc. 
  • Confirmation of the level of your effort committed to the award, and any impact on the distribution of your effort on other sponsored awards. 
  • Sponsor reporting requirements and associated internal deadlines. 
  • Frequency of grants administrator check-in meetings and receiving financial updates throughout the award period. 

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding New Awards

What are my responsibilities as Principal Investigator?

This award is made to Duke with you as the principal investigator. Your role as principal investigator is described in the Principal Investigator: Roles and Responsibilities. Your grants administrator and others are here to support you in fulfilling those responsibilities.

As the principal investigator, you are responsible for the financial, administrative, and scientific aspects of your award in accordance with the terms and conditions listed in your Notice of Award, and the Faculty Handbook.

Financial responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Adhering to the awarded budgeted
  • Ensuring all spending on the award is allowable and appropriate

Administrative responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Appropriate disclosure of activities and support throughout the entirety of the award
  • Submitting requests for prior approval for activities that deviate from the awarded proposal

Scientific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Adhering to the scope of work
What resources are available to help me navigate institutional approvals and other project initiation activities?

Depending on your project inclusions, various institutional approvals may be need before you can begin any research activities. Access the Prepare for institutional approvals page to determine what approvals may be needed and access assistance with the process.

In order to implement the project plan as outlined in your proposal, you may now need to consider additional logistical and operational aspects of your project. Access the Plan the project or methodology page for consultative project planning services and additional resources.

Additionally, the Research Navigators are available for project planning or study initiation consults, and can address and questions about Duke resources, process, or any general research needs.

How can I monitor the personnel, finances, and other activities throughout the life of the award?

Throughout your award, you should be monitoring project activities, finances, and personnel effort using these features in myRESEARCHhome. myRESEARCHhome consolidates information from various systems to easily monitor your award activities in one place.

  • The “Projects” tab provides administrative information including budget and project periods, associated fund code numbers, your role and current effort on the project, and attestation status.
  • The “Finances” tab displays current fund code balances (direct & indirect) for research projects where you are the lead PI.
  • The “Personnel” tab displays effort information (% of current cost distribution) for any personnel on your research projects where you are the lead PI.
  • For projects that fall under the oversight of the DUHS IRB, the “IRB” tab lists any Duke Health IRB protocols with expiration dates (from iRIS) where you are listed as Key Personnel.
Who should I contact for questions about my award?

For questions related to your award, first contact your departmental grant administration staff. Central research administration offices are also available to help:

For questions related to disclosures or conflict of interest, contact dosicoi@duke.edu.