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NSF funding programs

Need assistance with NSF funding programs?

OCRD NSF Toolkits

The NSF funds research and education across all STEM fields and NSF-recognized social sciences. The Office of Campus Research Development (OCRD) has several NSF toolkits. The first toolkit, NSF Grants for Faculty toolkit, can be used for standard NSF research and education proposals, and the other toolkits are solicitation-specific. We also identify for the solicitation-specific toolkits the sponsoring NSF directorate(s) from the following list:

  • Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO)
  • Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE)
  • Directorate for Engineering (ENG)
  • Directorate for Geosciences (GEO)
  • Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS)
  • Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE)
  • Directorate for STEM Education (EDU)
  • Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP)

Each toolkit includes guidance and templates, many of which are tailored to the specified opportunity. Toolkits are updated annually or as needed to conform to both NSF and program-specific requirements. Contact OCRD if you have any questions about these toolkits, or you are not seeing an NSF funding opportunity of interest and for which you would like a toolkit.

NSF Grants for Faculty Toolkit

NSF Grants for Faculty Toolkit

NSF Grants for Faculty toolkit: NSF’s standard proposal is based on the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG). This toolkit will help to develop a faculty-led, standard NSF research or education project proposal. (Note: If you are using this toolkit for a specific NSF program or solicitation, the instructions may deviate from the PAPPG guidelines for a given section of the application. The program or solicitation instructions/guidance supersede the PAPPG guidance.) 

Solicitation-Specific Toolkits

Solicitation-specific toolkits are listed in alphabetical order.
NSF AccelNet Toolkit (Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations)

NSF AccelNet toolkit (NSF 23-619; NSF-wide): Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations supports international networks of networks (NoN) that aim to: 1) accelerate scientific research at a rate that would not be possible without concerted international cooperation in research planning; 2) make NoN members more competitive for research awards following the period of award; and 3) recruit and foster a US-based, diverse, internationally competent workforce trained in conducting and leading multi-team international collaboration.

Upcoming deadline: 9/15/2025

NSF AIMing Toolkit (Artificial Intelligence, Formal Methods, and Mathematical Reasoning)

NSF AIMing toolkit (NSF 24-554; MPS, CISE): Artificial Intelligence, Formal Methods, and Mathematical Reasoning supports research at the interface of AI, computer science, mathematics, and statistics that assists and accelerates both mathematical discovery as well as discovery in related disciplines.

Upcoming deadline: 2/5/2025

NSF BIO Divisions Toolkit (for BIO Divisions Core Programs)

NSF BIO Divisions toolkit (BIO) can be used to prepare proposals to the following BIO Divisions Core programs:

  • (NSF 24-543) Division of Environmental Biology Core Programs (DEB)
  • (NSF 24-546) Division of Integrative Organismal Systems Core Programs (IOS)
  • (NSF 24-539) Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Core Programs (MCB) 

Deadline: Proposals accepted anytime. 

NSF BPE Toolkit (Broadening Participation in Engineering)

NSF BPE toolkit (NSF 22-514; ENG): Broadening Participation in Engineering is a dedicated program supporting the development of a diverse and well-prepared engineering workforce through enhancing the diversity and inclusion of all underrepresented populations in engineering. Funding is available in four tracks: Track 1: Planning and Conference Grants, Track 2: Research in Broadening Participation in Engineering, Track 3: Inclusive Mentoring Hubs (IM Hubs), and Track 4: Centers for Equity in Engineering (CEE). 

Upcoming deadlines: 11/19/2025 (Tracks 3 and 4); accepted anytime (Tracks 1 and 2)

NSF CAREER Toolkit (Faculty Early Career Development Program)

NSF CAREER toolkit (NSF 22-586; NSF-wide): Faculty Early Career Development Program provides support for research and education plans of not yet tenured tenure-track faculty in STEM and NSF-recognized social science disciplines. 

Upcoming deadline: 7/23/2025

NSF CISE Core Programs Toolkit (Computer and Information Science and Engineering)

NSF CISE Core Programs toolkit: Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE): Core Programs support research and education projects that develop new knowledge in all aspects of computing, communications, and information science and engineering, as well as advanced cyberinfrastructure. This toolkit can be used to prepare proposals to the following CISE Core programs:

  • (NSF 24-589) SMALL projects are 1-2 investigators and at least one student/postdoctoral researcher; MEDIUM projects are 1-2 investigators and several student/postdoctoral researchers; OAC Core projects support translational research and education activities in all aspects of advanced cyberinfrastructure that lead to systems capable of transforming science and engineering research. 

    Upcoming deadlines: SMALL Projects accepted anytime; MEDIUM and OAC Core Projects: 10/23/2025

  • (NSF 24-572) LARGE projects support full-scale CISE research with an overarching goal and a clearly identified collaborative project team.

    Upcoming deadline: Large Projects 9/29/2025

NSF Conference Toolkit

NSF Conference toolkit (from PAPPG guidance for conference proposals; NSF-wide) supports conferences in special areas of science and engineering that bring experts together to discuss recent research or education findings or to expose other researchers or students to new research and education techniques. 

Deadline: Open (A conference proposal should generally be submitted at least one year in advance of the scheduled date.)

NSF CPS Toolkit (Cyber-Physical Systems)

NSF CPS toolkit (NSF 24-581; CISE, ENG): Cyber-Physical Systems support research on engineered systems with a seamless integration of computation and physical components. Core research areas of the program include control, data analytics, and machine learning including real-time learning for control, autonomy, design, Internet of Things (IoT), mixed initiatives including human-in- or human-on-the-loop, networking, privacy, real-time systems, safety, security, and verification. CPS accepts 3 types of proposals: small, medium, and Frontier.

Upcoming deadlines: Small and medium proposals: Accepted anytime; Frontier proposals: 8/28/2025  

NSF CSSI Toolkit (Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation)

NSF CSSI toolkit (NSF 22-632; NSF-wide): Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation supports three project classes in the development, deployment, and sustainability of cyberinfrastructure (CI) within and across NSF Directorates/Divisional programs: Elements for small groups that will create and deploy robust services for which there is a demonstrated need; Framework Implementations for larger, interdisciplinary teams; and Transition to Sustainability for groups who would like to execute a well-defined sustainability plan for existing CI.

Upcoming deadline: 12/1/2025

NSF DDRIG Toolkit (Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant)

The Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (DDRIG) (SBE) provides partial funds for doctoral dissertation projects in various programs of the SBE Directorate of NSF. We have toolkits for the following DDRIG programs:

NSF DESC Toolkit (Design for Environmental Sustainability in Computing)

NSF DESC toolkit (NSF 23-532; CISE): Design for Environmental Sustainability in Computing brings together teams to address the substantial environmental impacts that computing has through its entire lifecycle from design and manufacturing, through deployment into operation, and finally into reuse, recycling, and disposal. This program has three types of proposals: Type I Small Projects, Type II Large Projects, and Type III Workshop Projects.

Upcoming deadlines: Type I and Type II projects: 9/12/2025; Type III: Accepted anytime

NSF DMR:TMRP Toolkit (Division of Materials Research: Topical Materials Research Programs)

NSF DMR:TMRP toolkit (NSF 23-612; MPS/DMR): Division of Materials Research: Topical Materials Research Programs support projects that advance the fundamental understanding of materials, materials discovery, design, synthesis, characterization, properties, and materials-related phenomena. 

Deadline: Proposals accepted anytime (except not during the following window: April 15th to June 15th).

NSF ECR Core Toolkit (EDU Core Research)

NSF ECR Core toolkit (NSF 21-588; EDU): EDU Core Research (ECR:Core) supports fundamental research that contributes to the general, explanatory knowledge that underlies STEM education in one or more of three broadly conceived Research Areas: Research on STEM Learning and Learning Environments, Research on Broadening Participation in STEM fields, and Research on STEM Workforce Development

Upcoming deadline: 10/2/2025

NSF EEID Toolkit (Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases)

NSF EEID Toolkit (NSF 24-592; BIO, MPS, SBE, GEO): The Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases program supports research on the ecological, evolutionary, organismal, and social drivers that influence the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases. The central theme of submitted projects must be the quantitative, mathematical, or computational understanding of pathogen transmission dynamics. This is co-sponsored with NIH, USDA, and optional specific-country collaborative programs.

Upcoming deadline: 11/19/2025

NSF FM Toolkit (Future Manufacturing)

NSF FM toolkit (NSF 24-525, NSF-wide): Future Manufacturing supports the development of proposals that focus on fundamental research and education of a future workforce to both overcome scientific, technological, educational, economic, and social barriers and enable new manufacturing capabilities that do not exist today. 

Upcoming deadline: 1/13/2025

NSF GRFP Toolkit (Graduate Research Fellowships Program)

NSF GRFP toolkit (NSF 24-591; NSF-wide): Graduate Research Fellowships Program is a fellowship program that provides 3 years of support across 5 years to graduate students who have demonstrated their potential for significant research achievements and are seeking research-based master's and doctoral degrees in STEM or STEM education. 

Upcoming deadlines based on Field of Study: 

  • Chemistry; Geosciences, Mathematical Sciences; Physics and Astronomy: 10/15/2024
  • Life Sciences: 10/16/2024
  • Engineering: 10/17/2024
  • Computer and Information Science and Engineering; Materials Research; Psychology; Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences, STEM Education and Learning: 10/18/2024 
NSF Growing Convergence Research Toolkit

NSF Growing Convergence Research toolkit (NSF 24-527; NSF-wide): Growing Convergence Research (GCR) targets transdisciplinary team research that crosses directorate or division boundaries and is currently not supported by NSF programs, initiatives, and research-focused Big Ideas. 

Upcoming deadline: 2/10/2025

NSF HNDS Toolkit (Human Networks and Data Science)

NSF HNDS toolkit (NSF 23-568; SBE): Human Networks and Data Science supports social science research that enhances understanding of human behavior by leveraging data and network science research across a broad range of topics that provide data-rich insights about human networks to support improved health, prosperity, and security. There are two HNDS proposal tracks: 1) Human Networks and Data Science – Infrastructure (HNDS-I) and 2) Human Networks and Data Science – Core Research (HNDS-R)

Upcoming deadlines: HNDS-R: 1/9/2025; HNDS-I: 2/6/2025

NSF IHBEM Toolkit (Incorporating Human Behavior in Epidemiological Models)

NSF IHBEM toolkit (NSF 24-507; MPS, SBE, BIO): Incorporating Human Behavior in Epidemiological Models supports research on social and behavioral processes in mathematical epidemiological models to minimize unintended outcomes of public health interventions

Upcoming deadline window: 2/1/2025 – 2/14/2025

NSF IRES Toolkit (International Research Experiences for Students)

NSF IRES toolkit (NSF 24-506; NSF-wide): International Research Experiences for Students supports the opportunity for cohorts of US-based students to travel to an international site to engage in collaborative research with the host institution.

Upcoming deadline: 10/27/2025

NSF PHY Toolkit (Division of Physics: Investigator-Initiated Research Projects)

NSF PHY toolkit (NSF 23-615; MPS/PHY): Division of Physics: Investigator-Initiated Research Projects support physics research and the preparation of future scientists across a broad range of physics disciplines. 

Upcoming deadlines based on PHY programs:

  • Plasma Physics: 11/18/2024
  • AMO; Gravitational Physics, LIGO, Integrative Activities in Physics: 11/27/2024
  • Elementary Particle Physics, Particle Astrophysics: 12/3/2024
  • Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particle Physics, Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, Quantum Information Science, and Physics of Living Systems: 12/10/2024
NSF RET Toolkit (Research Experiences for Teachers in Engineering and Computer Science)

NSF RET toolkit (NSF 24-503; ENG, CISE): Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science supports authentic summer research experiences for K-14 educators (includes community college) to foster long-term collaborations between universities, community colleges, school districts, and industry partners. 

Upcoming deadline: 10/8/2025

NSF REU Toolkit (Research Experiences for Undergraduates)

NSF REU toolkit (NSF 23-601; NSF-wide): Research Experiences for Undergraduates supports intensive research by undergraduate students in any NSF-funded area of research during the summer or academic year. REU Sites engage a cohort of students in research projects related to a theme. REU Supplements engage students in research related to a new or ongoing NSF research award. This toolkit provides resources to develop either an REU Site or REU Supplement proposal.

Upcoming deadline: 8/20/2025

NSF RFE Toolkit (Research in the Formation of Engineers)

NSF RFE toolkit (PD 24-1340; ENG): Research in the Formation of Engineers seeks to advance our understanding of the professional formation of engineers (PFE). This includes deepening our fundamental understanding of the underlying processes and mechanisms that support professional formation and to demonstrate how professional formation is or can be accomplished. 

Deadline: Proposals accepted anytime

NSF SCH Toolkit (Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science)

NSF SCH toolkit (NSF 23-614; NSF-wide): Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science is an interagency NSF and NIH program to support in the development of transformative, high-risk/high-reward advances in computer and information science, engineering, mathematics, statistics, behavioral and cognitive research to address pressing questions in the biomedical and public health communities. 

Upcoming deadline: 10/3/2025