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Project inclusions:
Project sponsor or funding:
(seeking funding from or have already secured funding from)
Project managed by:

Other Support/Current & Pending Support

Need assistance with Other Support/Current & Pending Support?

Before a sponsor releases an award and/or as part of progress reporting requirements, many sponsors require key personnel to disclosure all other support (OS), current and pending support (CP), and other outside activities.

This requirement is in place primarily to:

  • Ensure transparency: All resources available in support of the investigator’s work are being reported, including both resources received through the institution as well as those received personally by the investigator
  • Assess potential scientific, budgetary, commitment overlap: The sponsor is not funding work that is already supported by another source and/or the investigator has sufficient time and resources available to conduct the proposed work as planned
  • Evaluate the capacity of the individual to carry out the research as proposed
OS/CP requirements for NIH, NSF, and DoD

Other Support/Current andPending documents must meet these requirements:  

  • Adherence to the sponsor’s guidelines and submission in accordance with sponsor requirements
  • Disclosure of all research support including financial support, in-kind and other resources in direct support of the investigator’s research,whether the support: 
    • has monetary valueor not; 
    • originates fromgovernmental (Federal, non-Federal and international), commercial,orinstitutionalsources(excluding prizes, gifts and training grants); 
    • is made available to the investigator through Duke, through a third party, or directly to the investigator. 

The chart below provides general guidance on how and when to complete OS/CP. However, because requirements can vary by sponsor and by funding solicitation, it is important to refer to the sponsor- and project-specific instructions when preparing OS/CP.

 National Institutes of Health (NIH)National Institutes of Health (NIH)National Science Foundation (NSF)U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
When is OS/CP required?at Just In Time (JIT)at Submission
for all Key Personnel with effort changes since last reporting period
at Submissionat Submission
Which projects should be included?Active and PendingActive and PendingCurrent and PendingCurrent, Pending, Previous (last 5 yrs)
Should the OS/CP include the
proposed project?
How should the Award Amount
be expressed?
Total Award Costs for the Period of Performance, including F&A costsTotal Award Costs for the Period of Performance, including F&A costsDirect and indirect costs for the entire awardTotal Award Costs for the Period of Performance, including F&A costs
How should Effort be expressed?Person monthsPerson MonthsPerson monthsPerson months
Should in-kind support be included?YesYes

Yes, but
if no associated time commitment,

in-kind should be added to Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section

Systems and tools for developing OS/CP documents


myRESEARCHhome aggregates data from multiple sources to assist with the preparation of OS/CP. The "myResearchers" widget combines outside activities information and effort data from SPS, SES, COI, SAP financials, and iForms in one place. These views highlight data elements commonly needed for OS/CP and can be found by clicking on an individual researcher’s profile in the “myResearchers” widget.


Note: All information needed for OS/CP may not reside in Duke systems. It is the responsibility of the investigator to confirm that the information submitted in the OSCP is true, complete, and accurate.

OS/CP review and approval process

1. Grant Manager

The Grant Manager, working closely with the Investigator, compiles the OS/CP document – allowing plenty of time for the process – including review by the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) and approval by the Investigator. 

2. Investigator

The Investigator is responsible for true, complete and accurate disclosure of all activities the sponsor requires.  The Investigator must review and approve (electronically sign) the OS/CP, notifying the Grant Manager, who will make corrections if there are any discrepancies.

3. Single Point of Contact (SPOC) - SoM/SoN only

The SPOC is responsible for reviewing and certifying that OS/CP documents are correct and up-to-date, verifying against information in Duke systems. Once the information for the OS/CP is compiled, it should be sent to the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for OS/CP.  Access the SoM/SoN SPOC list (OS/CP review by SPOC not required for Campus Schools/Provost Area submissions). 

Note: the Grant manager must maintain the supporting documentation of the SPOC’s review and Investigator’s review/approval in a central location within the department and be able to produce if requested. The supporting documentation must NOT be maintained in an individual email or personal folders/drives.

4. Pre-award Office

The designated Pre-Award Office representative reviews OS/CP to confirm that:

  • Format is correct
  • Available person months are appropriately represented
  • If applicable, any scientific, budgetary and/or commitment overlap is addressed with an appropriate overlap statement.
  • For SoM / SoN, the SPOC has reviewed and verified the document