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Other NIH funding programs

Need assistance with other NIH funding programs?

This page provide toolkits for NIH special funding programs. If there is a funding opportunity you are interested in which does not have a corresponding toolkit listed below, you can contact The Office of Campus Research Development (OCRD) to request a customized toolkit.

General guidance

When applying for an NIH special program grant, follow the most current NIH SF424 guidance, as well as any specific instructions in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA).  Note: The FOA instructions always supersede the SF424 or standard page limitation guidance.

Also review additional NIH proposal guidance:

Guidance on review and submission of the proposal is available within myRESEARCHpath. The grant manager should be contacted with questions (e.g., what documents transfer from SPS versus what is uploaded into grants.duke).

Access the Disclose activities (Other Support/Current and Pending) page for requirements and samples of Other Support/Current and Pending disclosures for federally funded proposals.

Other NIH Toolkits

The Office of Campus Research Development (OCRD) has toolkits for other NIH opportunities that may be of interest to the Duke research community. Each toolkit includes guidance and templates tailored to the specified opportunity. Toolkits are updated annually or as needed to conform to both NIH and program-specific requirements.

Contact OCRD ( if you are not seeing an NIH funding opportunity of interest and for which you would like a toolkit.
High-Risk, High-Reward Research Program through the NIH Common Fund

The High-Risk, High-Reward Research program supports exceptionally creative scientists pursuing highly innovative research with the potential for broad impact in biomedical, behavioral, or social sciences within the NIH mission.

OCRD currently has three High-Risk, High-Reward toolkits.

  • NIH DP1 toolkit (New RFA pending): NIH Director’s Pioneer Award Program (DP1 Clinical Trial Optional) funding opportunity is open to all career stages, is a single-PI project, and no preliminary data are required.

    Upcoming deadline: TBA

  • NIH DP2 toolkit (New RFA pending): NIH Director’s New Innovator Award Program (DP2 Clinical Trial Optional) funding opportunity is open to investigators with early-stage investigator status, is a single-PI project, and no preliminary data are required.

    Upcoming deadline: TBA 

  • NIH TRA R01 toolkit (New RFA pending): NIH Director’s Transformative Research Awards (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) is open to all career stages, open to individuals or teams, and no preliminary data are required. 

    Upcoming deadline: TBA

    These toolkits and deadlines will be updated when new FoAs are released every year.

NIH S10 Instrumentation Grant Programs

The S10 Instrumentation Grant Programs (S10) support purchases of state-of-the-art commercially available instruments to enhance research of NIH-funded investigators. Instruments that are awarded are typically too expensive to be obtained by an individual investigator with a research project grant. 

The NIH S10 toolkit can be used for the following S10 opportunities:

  • Shared Instrumentation Grant (SIG) Program (S10 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (PAR-24-265) provides a budget of $50,000 - $750,000.
  • High-End Instrumentation (HEI) Grant Program (S10 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (PAR-24-264) provides a budget of $750,001 - $2,000,000.

    Upcoming deadline: 6/2/2025

NIH Administrative and Diversity Supplements

NIH administrative and diversity supplements provide funds made to parent awards for a number of NIH activity code(s)/mechanisms.

  • NIH Administrative Supplement toolkit (PA-20-272): Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) can be used to cover cost increases that are associated with achieving certain new research objectives, as long as the research objectives are within the original scope of the peer reviewed and approved project, or the cost increases are for unanticipated expenses within the original scope of the project.
  • NIH Diversity Supplement toolkit (PA-23-189): Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) provide support for research experiences for individuals from diverse backgrounds throughout the continuum from high school to the faculty level.
  • NIH NIGMS Diversity Supplement toolkit (PA-23-189): The NIGMS Diversity Supplement Program uses PA-23-189 but also provides additional/modified guidance for NIGMS-supported awards.

    Upcoming deadlines: Varies by institute/center

Standard program toolkits can be found on the following pages: